Well, it's been quite a successful launch to our website--over 250 hits today!  Thank you to everyone who e-distributed the link to our website.  I encourage anyone reading this to pass it on as well.  I am going to be very curious to see how far and wide our little website will go.

Unfortunately, I've been under the weather for the past few weeks and I have good and bad days, but with barely more than a month before we go to New York for Haylie's surgery, I need those good days desperately. 

If any of you might know of a facility in the San Antonio area where we could hold our little BBQ plate/Karaoke Party fundraiser around the end of the month, I would sure appreciate it.  We're also looking for anyone who might have a raffle tumbler (maybe someone belonging to the Lions Club/Bingo Night) so we can borrow one for our raffle.  Due to MY delay in planning, we may not have a karaoke DJ, so if anyone knows of someone who would be willing to donate their equipment and time, please let me know.  (Thank you SO much Penny & Richard!)

Long day today...so much to do...so little time!


I think I've finally completed the bones and basics of this website and I'm sure I'll be adding to it daily for one reason or another.  It looks pretty much as I'd imagined with the exception of adding our story page, but that will take me some time to complete, since it is practically like writing a book, but I know it will be beneficial to others.

Haylie and Katie had a fun day swimming in a small ($6 Walmart) swimming pool on our front porch.  It was a really beautiful day and it's still early in the year here so there weren't many of the annoying bugs that roam South Texas later in the Spring and Summer months.

The girls wanted pizza, so we cooked up a tasty DiGiorno and they were quite pleased with that and a showing of the Little Mermaid. 

Not much to report...everything quiet on the home front.


Your Daily Haylie
(ok, so it's weekly, but the title is cute!)

Welcome to my first blog entry about our Haylie.  This week we have had great friends and family help us to come up with creative ways to help raise money for our trip to New York City for Haylie's surgery in May.

So far, we are putting together a charity raffle and BBQ/Karaoke fundraiser.  So far this has been a daunting task because I have been under the weather, but by setting up this website, we are back on track and ready to hit the ground running!

Haylie has been doing remarkably well for over a year now (knock on wood and thank God) and has had no adrenal crisis'.  This is important, as we have to keep her healthy and her cortisol levels stable if her body is to be able to endure her surgery.  If you saw her, you would never know that she had a problem or care in the world.  She is a happy and headstrong little angel and she makes me smile every day!

I will try to write in the next couple of blogs about how our journey from our discovery of her CAH to now has taken place and all the little things that may be helpful to others with children who have CAH.

Welcome to my blog!